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What are the characteristics of successful research teams? How do you build a team on purpose? Once established, how can you sustain an effective team? Workshops are highly interactive and designed with the premise that successful collaborations integrate both the science and the team dynamic. I work with clients to ensure the workshops are designed to best meet their vision and needs. Taking time to plan with the client makes certain that I’m creating and delivering the most impactful program I can for them. 


New research teams as well as existing ones benefit from spending time together and engaging in a planning process. New teams may have very little experience working together in a collaborative relationship and existing teams may be expanding, refocusing, or seeking a tune-up. In all cases, I work with teams to clarify their shared scientific vision, identify key areas of opportunity, and set milestones. In addition, I help them understand the major pain points that research teams experience when they work together and provide tools and resources to help reduce the risk of unproductive conflict. 


Coaching is based on the premise that clients are ready to make some changes or want something to be different in their work or their lives and that they already possess the requisite inner resources needed to attain their stated goals. I work with clients to access these resources through a series of powerful questions and insights. Through this process the client engages in experiential learning that leads to sustained change, attaining the stated goals, and in some cases, transformation. I have particularly enjoyed working with professionals early in their careers to help them develop their own authentic leadership and management styles.

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Giving lectures or interviews and participating on panel discussions or in symposia are just a few of the ways that I share what I know in a limited amount of time. My tailored remarks are designed to be thoughtful and to push the envelope, just a bit further, with focus on the purpose of the event. 


When there is a desire to put many of the team science pieces into place over time, curriculum can be developed for the client to meet those exact needs. This typically culminates in a final project or collaborative venture that enables the participants to put all the elements they gleaned from the course modules together and translate them into actual practice. The Train-the-Trainer program for Team Science (coming soon) enables others to learn the fundamentals, equip teams with tools and approaches to succeed, and effectively facilitate teams. 

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